Do You Really Need a Termite Chemical Barrier?

Here's what you need to know before making a decision

It's no secret that termites love Queensland! Our natural environment provides the perfect climate for termites with our hot, damp summers and bushy environment. That's why its important to make sure your home has a method of protection against termites. 

In this blog post, we'll take you through everything you need to know about chemical termite barriers and discuss what you need to consider before deciding if it's the right solution for your home.

Understanding Chemical Barriers

To truly understand the concept of a chemical barrier for termites, it is important to grasp the underlying principles of how they work. A chemical termite barrier is essentially a protective layer created around your home using specially formulated chemicals. These chemicals act as a deterrent for termites, preventing them from entering your property and causing damage.

To ensure the effectiveness of a chemical termite barrier, it is crucial to enlist the expertise of a licensed termite specialist. These professionals have the knowledge and experience to properly assess your home and determine the most suitable type of barrier for your specific needs.

The process typically involves applying the chemical barrier either in the soil around your home or directly to the foundation. The chemicals create a protective zone, poisoning termites that come into contact with it or deterring them from approaching your property altogether.

While the idea of creating a barrier using chemicals may sound simple, the application and effectiveness of the barrier require expertise and attention to detail. This is where a licensed termite specialist comes in, ensuring that the barrier is correctly installed and capable of providing the desired protection.

What Is A Termite Chemical Barrier?

When it comes to protecting your home from termites, investing in a chemical termite barrier can provide long-term peace of mind. These barriers offer effective protection against subterranean termites, the most common type of termite in Australia. They can help prevent costly damage to your property.

A chemical termite barrier is installed by a licensed technician around the perimeter of your house. This defense system uses a chemical known as a termiticide. This barrier is deadly to termites when they cross through it. They will pick it up on their body and then carry it back to their nest, killing off the whole colony.

While the decision to install a chemical termite barrier depends on various factors, it is important to consider the potential risks and costs associated with termite damage. Termites can cause significant structural damage to your home, resulting in expensive repairs and potential safety hazards. To make matters worse, termite damage is not typically covered by home insurance. This means that as the homeowner, you will have to bear any costs caused by termites. Depending on the extent of the damage, this may be in the tens of thousands.

How Do Termite Chemical Barriers Work?

Chemical termite barriers are installed by digging a moat-like trench around the property, filling it with the chemical and covering it back up. If there is concrete or pavement around your home, the barrier is applied directly into the foundation by drilling small holes at certain intervals along the house.

Once installed, the chemical barrier works by binding the chemical to the soil around the property. As termites forage through the soil looking for additional food sources, they meet the barrier.

Upon contact, the termites are infected with a dose of the chemical. As the chemical is slow-acting, the termites then take this chemical back to the nest with them and infect the other termites thus eliminating the entire colony.

The effectiveness of the chemical barrier depends on the proper installation and maintenance. Hence, the importance of enlisting the expertise of a licensed termite specialist.

A termite specialist will assess your home and determine the most suitable type of barrier for your specific needs. They will ensure the correct installation of the barrier to provide optimal protection for your home.

How Long Will a Chemical Barrier Protect Your Home?

Once you've invested in a chemical barrier for termites, you might wonder how long it will provide protection for your home. The longevity of a chemical barrier depends on various factors. Such as the type of chemicals used, the application method, and environmental conditions.

Generally, with proper application a chemical barrier can offer protection for five to ten years. At Dedant, we provide a one (1) year workmanship warranty with the chemicals lasting up to 8 years.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of the barrier can diminish over time due to factors such as soil erosion, chemical breakdown, and termite pressure. Under Australian Standards, regular inspections and maintenance are necessary to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the barrier. While the chemical treatment is highly effective, termites can find alternate ways to enter the property.

To maximise the lifespan of your chemical barrier, it's crucial to work with a termite specialist who can choose the appropriate chemicals and installation method for your specific needs. They will also provide guidance on follow-up maintenance and inspection schedules.

Are Chemical Termite Barriers safe for humans and pets?

When considering a chemical termite barrier for your home, it's important to address any concerns about the safety of humans and pets. The use of chemicals in pest control can understandably raise questions about potential harm to our loved ones.

Rest assured, when installed and maintained correctly, chemical termite barriers are safe for humans and pets. The specially formulated chemicals used in these barriers are designed to target termites specifically, posing minimal risk to humans and pets.

However, it is still important to follow proper precautions during and after the installation process. Your licensed termite specialist will ensure that the chemicals are applied according to Australian standards and regulations.

The Real Costs of Installing a Termite Chemical Barrier

When considering the installation of a termite chemical barrier, it's important to understand the associated costs. The price varies based on factors like property size and barrier type, yet it's a long-term investment for your home's termite protection.

The cost of installing a termite chemical barrier typically includes several components. First, there is the cost of the chemicals themselves, which can vary depending on the type and brand being used. Additionally, you will need to factor in the cost of labour, as the termite specialist will need to assess your property and properly install the barrier. Termite barriers can take up to 7 hours to install, depending on the size of your home.

It's worth noting that the initial installation cost is a one-time expense. However, regular inspections are necessary to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the barrier, and these will incur additional costs. At Dedant, our annual barrier inspections currently start from $250 inc. GST (Dec. 2023). Most barriers cost between $1,500 - $3,500 inc. GST, depending on the size of your home.

Whilst the cost of installing a termite chemical barrier may seem significant, it is important to consider the potential damage and expenses that can result from a termite infestation. Termite damage can be extensive and costly to repair, making prevention through the installation of a chemical barrier a worthwhile investment.

If you decide that a chemical barrier isn't affordable for you, there are other termite management options.

Limitations to Chemical Barriers

While chemical termite barriers are an effective solution for protecting your home against termite infestations, it's important to understand their limitations. One of the main limitations is that chemical barriers can't provide a 100% guarantee against termites. Termites are elusive creatures and can find alternative ways into the home such as through the roof from branches overhanging the gutter.

Additionally, the effectiveness of chemical barriers can be influenced by various factors. For example, soil erosion or disturbance to the barrier can create gaps or breaches that termites can exploit. The type of soil on your property can also affect the barrier's effectiveness, as some soils may not retain the chemicals as well as others.

It's worth noting that chemical barriers may not be suitable for all homes or situations. Certain properties, such as those with a high water table or extensive landscaping, may require alternative termite control methods. Consulting with a licensed termite specialist is essential to determine the best approach for your specific circumstances.

Despite these limitations, chemical termite barriers remain the most effective method for termite prevention. Regular maintenance and inspections can help address any issues or breaches, ensuring the ongoing effectiveness of the barrier. Annual inspections also ensure any termites who find an alternate way into your home are found early.

Making the Decision: Do You Really Need a Chemical Termite Barrier?

When it comes to protecting your home from termites, the decision to invest in a chemical termite barrier is not one to be taken lightly. There are several factors to consider before making this decision, and it's important to weigh the pros and cons.

First and foremost, it's essential to assess the level of termite activity in your area. If you live in an area with a high incidence of termite infestations, a chemical barrier may be a worthwhile investment. However, if termite activity in your area is relatively low, there may be alternative methods of termite control that are more cost-effective.

Another important consideration is the condition of your home. If you have a new construction property, the risk of termite infestations may be lower. In this case, a chemical termite barrier may not be necessary.

Additionally, the cost of installing a chemical termite barrier is something to take into account. While the initial installation cost can be significant, annual inspections are also required to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the barrier. These additional costs should be factored into your decision-making process.

Lastly, compliance with Australian Standards should be a priority. When choosing a provider for your chemical termite barrier, make sure they are licensed and adhere to the necessary standards and regulations. This will ensure the safety and quality of the barrier, giving you peace of mind.

Compliance with Australian Standards: Our Commitment to Safety and Quality

At Dedant Building and Pest Inspections, we take the safety and quality of our termite chemical barriers seriously. We understand the importance of providing our customers with a solution that meets the highest standards of compliance. That's why we are committed to adhering to Australian standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness of our barriers.

When it comes to termite protection, it is crucial to work with a provider who prioritises compliance with industry regulations. Our licensed termite specialists have extensive knowledge and training in the proper installation and maintenance of chemical barriers. They understand the Australian standards and regulations that govern termite control.

By choosing Dedant, you can have peace of mind knowing that our termite chemical barriers are designed and installed in accordance with Australian Standards. We use only approved chemicals that are safe for humans, pets, and the environment.

Additionally, our commitment to safety and quality extends beyond the installation phase. We provide comprehensive follow-up inspections to ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the barrier. Our licensed specialists will conduct regular assessments and address any issues or breaches that may arise, keeping your home protected against termite infestations.

Protect your home with a Chemical Termite Barrier today!

To book a chemical termite barrier install or enquire about the best termite management system for your home, contact us on 07 3807 0122 or via our website.

We have been servicing Brisbane, Redland Bay, Moreton Bay, Gold Coast, the Scenic Rim, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich and Logan since 2009.




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