A Guide to Preventing Termite Infestations in Your Home

preventing termite infestations

Keep termites out! Protecting your home from unwanted guests like termites is crucial, especially in Queensland where the climate can be very inviting for these timber-loving pests. Scheduling a regular termite inspection is not just a preventative measure—it’s an essential step in safeguarding your biggest investment, your home. In this guide, we’ll walk you through…

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How to Get Rid of Termites Effectively

Termite inspections

Get Rid of Termites, For Good! As beautiful as the city of Brisbane is, homeowners here have a daunting challenge – battling against termites. These tiny pests can cause significant damage to properties if left uncontrolled. In this blog post, we will be addressing various ways to effectively rid your home of termites. We’ll help…

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The Termite Chemical Barrier Cost Breakdown

termite barrier cost breakdown

Here’s what you need to consider before installing a termite chemical barrier Termites can be a homeowner’s worst nightmare. They’re small, quiet, and capable of causing significant structural damage to your property. Homeowners in South-East Queensland, a region known for its termite activity, should seriously consider the installation of a termite chemical barrier as a…

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What Do Termites Look Like in Australia?

termites - termite check

Learn how to identify termites Australia is home to a diverse range of insects and creatures, and unfortunately, some of them can cause major headaches for homeowners. One such pest is termites in Australia, particularly the notorious Queensland termites. These tiny but destructive insects can wreak havoc on your home if left undetected and untreated.…

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The Ultimate Guide to Effective Termite Treatment

Termite Treatment

Protect Your Home From Termites When it comes to protecting your home from the destructive nature of termites, finding an effective termite treatment is crucial. These tiny pests can cause extensive damage to your property if left untreated, making it important to take the necessary precautions. In Queensland, where termite infestations are common, it’s especially…

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Do You Really Need a Termite Chemical Barrier?

termite chemical barrier

Here’s what you need to know before making a decision It’s no secret that termites love Queensland! Our natural environment provides the perfect climate for termites with our hot, damp summers and bushy environment. That’s why its important to make sure your home has a method of protection against termites.  In this blog post, we’ll…

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What Do Termites Look Like?

termites - termite check

How to identify termites. Do you think that you have found termites? Learn how to identify termites in Australia. What do termites look like? Many people confuse termites with ants. This is understandable as they are quite similar in appearance, both having a slender body and six legs. However, they are two different species with…

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What Is A Termite Management Plan?

white ants

Protect your home with a termite management plan At Dedant, we provide two different preventative treatments to protect your home. In this blog, we take you through the two different options and how to prevent termites in your home. What is a termite management plan? A Termite Management Plan is minimising the risk of termite…

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Treatment For Termites

Chemical termite barrier

Treatment options for termites Termites cause significant damage to Queensland homes every year. In fact, termites cause more damage to Australian homes than floods, fires and storms combined! Making matters worse, house insurance doesn’t typically cover termite damage. That’s why it’s vitally important to have your home checked annually for termites and to know the…

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