What Do Termites Sound Like?

Termite Inspection

Find termites sooner by learning how they sound Knowing what termites sound like can be the difference between detecting an infestation early and letting it go unabated for years. This is because termites are often hard to spot visually. Rustling Termites destroy wood by eating away at it using a powerful set of mandibles. As…

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Ant Capping

ant capping

Everything you need to know about ant capping Termite capping (a.k.a ant capping) is a reliable way of detecting termite activity early. Here’s what you need to know about termites and ant capping. About termites To understand termite caps, you must first understand termites. Termites are pests that eat wood – if they get into…

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Annual Termite Inspection Cost

annual timber pest inspection cost

 How much does a termite inspection cost? Annual termite inspections are a necessary part of protecting your home but some people delay gettting an inspection due to the cost. However, the cost of undetected termite damage far outweights the cost of an inspection. Termite inspection information Australian Standards recommends every Australian home should get a…

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How To Recover From Termite Damage

termite damage

What to do if you have termite damage. Have you got termite damage in your home? Learn what to do next here. Can my home recover from termite damage? In short, yes. It is rare that termites will cause enough damage that the house is completely beyond repair. It would take years for an infestation…

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How To Spot A Dodgy Pest Inspector

Building inspection

Don’t get caught out. Book with a quality inspector. The best way to spot a dodgy pest inspector is to do your research and learn how to book the best pest inspector in your area. 1. Check for reviews Reviews can often be a good way to determine the quality of a tradies’ service. Google…

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How Termites Get Into Your House

termites - termite check

Learn how termites can enter your home. Most people know the dangers of a termite infestation. However, many people still wonder how termites get into a house in the first place. 1. Cracks in concrete Termites cannot eat through concrete. However, they are small enough to be able to fit into small cracks and holes…

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5 DIY Tips For Keeping Out Termites

Termite Inspection

Keep termites away. Termites can cause significant damage to your home if they go unnoticed and as the saying goes, “the best form of protection is prevention”. That’s why we are sharing our top tips for keeping out termites. 1. Fix leaky plumbing and gutters Termites rely on moist soil to survive and thrive. A…

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