Removing Lizards On Your Property
Learn how to remove lizards from your home
Lizards are a common sight around Queensland homes. However, not everyone is comfortable having them around the home. Here are our tips for removing lizards to make sure lizards leave your home and stay out.
1. Know the signs
Recognising the signs of a lizard presence is your first step for getting them out of your home.
Geckos communicate with a series of loud clicks and squeaks.
Lizards can drop their tails to distract predators. If you find these tails around your home, this can be evidence that a lizard is occupying your home.
2. Catch and release them if you see them
When removing lizards, it is important not to kill them because some types of lizards are protected species.
Try and catch it and release lizards away from your home if you find them.
If you see a lizard on your wall or on the floor, trap them in a jar and carry them back into the wilderness.
3. Chopped onions
Driving lizards away from your home is another option.
A natural deterrent to lizards is onions. Lizards cannot stand the smell.
Cut up onions and place them in areas you believe lizards might be. They will flee if they catch wind of the smell.
Alternately, you can use a spray bottle of onion extract and spray it around the home. This will have the same effect.
4. Reduce humidity and moisture
Lizards lay eggs and nest in areas with high moisture and humidity.
As such, you should work to improve air circulation to lower moisture. Consider utilising fans and opening doors and windows whenever possible.
Furthermore, to lower moisture you should keep gutters clean, fix leaky pipes, dry laundry outside of the home and use an exhaust fan when cooking.
Lizards will be less likely to enter homes that are drier and cooler.
5. Get rid of their food source
One of the biggest reasons lizards are attracted to your home is because they find pests there.
This is because they eat ants, larvae, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, termites and other types of pests.
As such, if you remove these pests from your home, lizards will move and look for other areas to find food.
Getting a regular general pest control treatment will help to keep these pests away and help minimise lizards around your home.
Contact Dedant today
Dedant Building and Pest Inspections offers pest control services that will get rid of all the bugs that lizards feast on. Including ants, spiders, cockroaches, silverfish and more. Contact us on 07 3807 0122 or via our website.