Tips For Building and Pest Inspectors During Coronavirus

COVID-19 and Building and Pest Inspections

The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdown restrictions have been difficult, not least for those who work as tradespeople. Here is our list of tips for building and pest inspectors during this difficult time.

1. Keep to date with current rules

One of the most important coronavirus tips we can all follow is to stay informed.

It is vitally important to keep up with all the latest information regarding coronavirus and current restrictions.

Your best sources are The Australian Government website or your state's government website. For Dedant Building and Pest Inspection, as we are a Queensland-based company, we defer to the Queensland Government website.

By knowing and following the latest restrictions, you will protect yourself and your business from fines worth thousands of dollars.

In these difficult times, the last thing you need to worry about is paying a fine.

2. Observe good hygiene

While good hygiene has always been important, it is now more necessary than ever to take every precaution in the workplace to stop the spread of coronavirus.

At Dedant Building and Pest Inspections, we have made a strong commitment to helping fight coronavirus.

Firstly, all staff members both on the road and in the office must wash and sanitise their hands often. Our inspectors are also supplied with gloves and masks.

When inspecting a house, we always make sure to observe social distancing. Furthermore, we make sure we follow current guidelines around the number of visitors to a house at once.

We will not inspect any house if an occupant is unwell or under quarantine, nor will we allow any sick inspector to work.

It is recommended that all businesses follow similar protocols.

3. Focus on services that are most appropriate

All businesses must take steps to adapt to the current climate.

Savvy businesses will tailor their advertising to services that are easier to conduct during lockdown.

For example, Dedant has prioritised advertising termite inspections and barriers on its social media and through blogs.

This is because the amount of people seeking pre-purchase inspections, new build handover inspections and dilapidation reports is very low now. However, the threat of termites remains even during a pandemic.

Other building and pest inspectors should consider similar actions to tailor their service to the needs of the moment.

To find out more about Dedant Building and Pest Inspections, contact us on 07 3807 0122 or via our website.



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