What Do Termites Look Like?

termites - termite check

How to identify termites. Do you think that you have found termites? Learn how to identify termites in Australia. What do termites look like? Many people confuse termites with ants. This is understandable as they are quite similar in appearance, both having a slender body and six legs. However, they are two different species with…

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How Do You Know If You Have Termites In Your Walls

Termite inspections

Look For These Signs Termites often hide in walls as they are elusive creatures that like the dark. There is plenty of edible timber available in the wall frames, skirting boards, and architraves. There’s also plenty of space between the framework for a sub-nest to act as a ‘halfway house’ between your house and the…

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What Is A Termite Management Plan?

white ants

Protect your home with a termite management plan At Dedant, we provide two different preventative treatments to protect your home. In this blog, we take you through the two different options and how to prevent termites in your home. What is a termite management plan? A Termite Management Plan is minimising the risk of termite…

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Termites Found After A Clear Building and Pest Inspection

termites found after clear building and pest inspection

What you should do next While it is uncommon, it is not unheard of that termites are found after a clear building and pest inspection. This can happen for many reasons including natural occurrence, infested neighboring properties, negligent inspectors and buyers failing to do their due diligence. However, there are rare times when buyers do…

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Termite Solutions For Your Brisbane Home

building and pest inspection queensland

How to keep termites out of your house Living in Brisbane, you certainly have reasonable cause for concern regarding a possible termite infestation. Termites love our Brisbane climate and can pop up almost anywhere. In this blog, we examine the best termite solutions to protect your home from termites. Using the right building materials One…

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Termite Myths

termites a.k.a white ants

The top 7 termite myths busted! Over the years, we have heard many myths about termites. For the most part, these myths are common misconceptions from homeowners about how termites operate, what they eat and the best method of treatment. Myth 1 – Termites are ants White ants are more commonly known as termites. As…

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Termite Management Systems For Homes On The Gold Coast

Keep your home protected with a termite management system Termites are a major issue on the Gold Coast, causing thousands of dollars of damage to homes every year. It is vital to install a termite management system to protect your home. Termites on the Gold Coast Termites present a major risk to homes across Australia…

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What To Do If You Discover White Ants

Termite inspections

You’ve found white ants at your property. Here’s what to do next. White ants are a pest that can destory your home if left undiscovered or unaddressed. But what should you do if you happen to find white ants around your home? What are white ants? White ants are another name for termites. Termites eat…

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How Can I Get Termite Protection?


Learn the best ways of protecting your home from termites Many homeowners understand the danagers of termites, but few know how to get termite protection for their properties. In this blog, we will examine DIY and professional solutions that you can use to protect your home from termites. DIY Termite Protection You can use DIY…

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