Frequently Asked Questions
Get a better understanding of exactly what is involved with a building and pest inspection.
Pre-Purchase Building and Pest Inspection FAQ's
A building and timber pest inspection is a comprehensive and in-depth investigation of your property, that is documented and sent to you in a report. The inspection is designed to establish the genuine condition of your property. All areas of your property are investigated from ceiling down. Building and Timber Pest Inspections involve going under the house and into the roof void, if the inspector is not limited by safety issues. Dedant Building and Pest Inspections use technical equipment to conduct a thorough inspection of every property including a thermal imaging camera and moisture metre. The structural condition of your property along with evidence of timber pests (including termites) is noted in an easy to read report that includes colour photographs.
A combined Building and Pest Inspection is an important step in the purchasing process, to ensure that you are getting what you are paying for and that there are no hidden surprises. Structural damage and timber pest infestations might not be immediately apparent to the untrained eye and can be costly problems to fix. For a relatively small investment, a combined building and pest inspection can identify if the property is structurally sound and free of damaging timber pests.
Your DedAnt inspector will thoroughly inspect the property and document all their findings in an easy to read report. The DedAnt inspector will classify issues into two categories, Major issues and Minor issues, and assess the overall condition of the house comparable to other buildings of a similar age and type.
This report will assist in helping the buyer to determine whether they wish to proceed with the purchase, and negotiate the price based on the findings if relevant
In this process, it is most important that buyers engage qualified, licensed and experienced Inspectors to carry out the work and provide accurate and important information, giving peace of mind in this important decision-making process.
DedAnt Building and Pest Inspection can generally accommodate last minute bookings, please phone our friendly staff on 07 3802 0122 to discuss your requirements
DedAnt recommends that you attend the inspection if you can. While this is not a mandatory requirement, it will give you an opportunity to discuss any issues with the inspector. If you cannot attend, and require more information after the inspection, the report will contain the inspectors phone number. You are more than welcome to call the inspector and get further information on the findings.
It is recommended that you do read the report in full. There is a lot of detailed information contained within the report that should be considered carefully before making any decision in relation to the property.
However, for easy reference, there is a quick reference summary at the start of the report that outlines any Major or Minor issues found during the building inspection. The report also contains colour digital photographs. The Pest and Termite Section is found after the initial Building Report. Inspector details can also be found on the Report if you have any questions about the findings or need further clarification
Building inspections can only be carried out by a person who has obtained a ’Completed Residential Building Inspectors Course’. Prior to completing this certification, they need to be a licenced builder with 5+ years’ experience.
The Pest Inspection can only be carried out by a licenced Pest Controller.
Inspector must be licenced by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) See more information here
At DedAnt, our inspectors are licenced Building Inspectors and Pest Controllers, so one inspector can complete the combined building and pest inspections. DedAnt Inspectors hold building qualifications as well as Building Inspector Certification. They are also experienced in the building industry. In addition to this, the inspectors are licenced as Pest Technicians and in Termite Management – completing additional training including Certificate IV Workplace Health & Safety, Termidor HE Accreditation Training, Termatrac T3i Accreditation, Asbestos Training, Meth Testing training and other relevant training in this field.
All DedAnt Building and Pest Inspectors carry Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance. Inspectors are licensed with our State Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) and Qld Environmental Health.
Building and Timber Pest Inspection Reports are in accordance with current Australian Standards, recognised by Real Estate Agents and Lawyers/Conveyancers. With subject to the Building and Pest Inspection, not meeting these conditions as set out in your contract, is known as proof if needing to exit. This is another good reason to engage a Licensed Inspector and Company so that this is an option for any buyer and a reason to not do the inspection yourself, to remain objective and impartial and engage an unrelated expert. If more time is needed to research the costs of rectification, extensions can be applied between both lawyers.
Inspecting a home demands a high degree of attention to detail and is best carried out with as little distraction as possible and the inspector has access to all areas of the property. The inspection is only a visual inspection, so requesting the vendor take the following steps will give a more comprehensive overview of the property.
It would be ideal if the seller could remove any unnecessary obstacles from the house, open all doors so the rooms can be inspected, move furniture away from walls, stop children and pets from entering the rooms being inspected, remove pictures from the walls, ensure that manholes are easily accessible
Termites can attack without warning, in-fact one in three homes in Queensland will have an attack throughout the home’s lifetime, with even higher instances in homes located near bush land. Unseen termite tunnels may exist near or under your home. Whilst the inspection is through and to the best of our ability given the conditions , you must remember that the Building and Timber Pest Inspections are visual Inspections only, based on the conditions on a given time and day. The inspection does not guarantee what occurs beyond that point of time or happenings that cannot be identified based on access to certain areas or items that are left in the way of inspectors . In our opinion, any company providing an absolute guarantee is not correct. Hence there will be several recommendations that the Reports will advocate as great preventative measures for homeowners. .
There are other problems can only be discovered by living in a home, issues such as leaking showers that become evident once the water is running and won’t be identified when the house has been empty for a while, or leaking roofs seen after heavy rainfall but not seen when a property has been in drought conditions and no rain had for months. Having said this, all properties have general wear and tear and require maintenance and upgrades from time to time. We even recommend a handover inspection if the home is a new build to ensure that you are getting the build that you pay for.
DedAnt can guarantee a thorough Inspection, a comprehensive, easy to read report, great customer service, a fair price, and ongoing services beyond your Building and Pest Inspections. We supply the whole scope of services and provide the best customer service we can at every stage of the process from buying, to moving in, sorting out issues, and beyond. We can help long after the purchase period and are happy to remind our investors to keep us their annual checks.
DedAnt friendly and experienced staff will organise everything for you. They will organise a suitable time for all parties including buyer, agent, seller, tenants, ensuring all arrangements for access to the property are sorted and time frames met.

Pre-Purchase Building and Pest Inspection FAQ's Continued

All building and pest inspectors in Queensland operate under the same set of guidelines set by Australian Standards, Workplace Health and Safety and the conditions of the licenses. These conditions listed below are not specific to DedAnt Building and Pest Inspections but are industry wide.
The inspection will be not check for general maintenance items such as poor paint work, damaged carpets and flooring, door handles and fixtures. In addition, the Inspector will not check the plumbing, electrical and gas installations as this is outside their qualification scope
Subject to reasonable and safe access and minimum requirements, the inspection will report on the condition of the following areas
- The interior of the property
- The roof space of the property (subject to height and safety restrictions)
- The exterior of the property
- The sub floor space of the property (subject to height and safety restrictions)
- The roof exterior (subject to height and whether restrictions) of the property
- Structures within 30m of the building relevant to inspection and within the site boundaries, including fences
The Inspector must comply with workplace health and safety regulations and will not enter or inspect an unsafe area.
The extent of the inspection is limited to visual and non-invasive inspection only. The inspector cannot move any furniture, items, chattels or things to see behind or under the item. The inspector will use equipment to ascertain moisture or heat behind walls, but cannot inspect inside walls, between floors, behind kitchen cupboards etc.
The inspector is limited when inspecting the roof cavity by the dimensions of the manhole and cavity and will only enter this area if safe to do so. The access hole must be minimum 400 x 500mm and the crawl space minimum 600 x 600mm. There are also other factors that might limit an inspector’s access to this area. The inspector is also limited by the height of the roof and can visually inspect from only a 3.6m ladder and if safe to do so, the inspector cannot climb onto the roof. Inspection of the sub floor is subject to the inspector’s discretion as to whether access is safe and reasonable.
In a building and pest inspection, the inspector cannot inspect any non-structural element, common property that forms part of strata title, test for asbestos, magnesite or mould, comment on plumbing or electrical wiring, switches or appliances (with the exception of a very obvious issue such as wires hanging out of the ceiling or walls) comment on swimming pools, comment whether the property has any signs of residual drug use / manufacture or comment whether fireplaces or chimneys are functional. It is recommended that you engage qualified trades people to inspect these items as they are outside of the building and pest inspection scope.
Please note that DedAnt Building and Pest Inspection can supply services of invasive property inspections and asbestos testing however these are additional services that will need to be agreed upon with the seller in writing as these tests require creating small holes in the property. We also supply property meth testing, but this is an additional service over and above the scope of the building and pest inspection.
The inspector will also not comment on any defects which are apparent due to prevailing whether conditions at the time of the inspection including rising damp and leaks as these such defect only become apparent in differing whether conditions.
The Pre-Purchase Inspection Package essentially can be broken down to a 3 Step Process: Visual for structural defects, moisture detection and heat detection using specialised equipment. If moisture is found it can indicate leaking pipes hidden behind walls, a beacon for termites as they need water to survive. The heat detection can indicate termite activity behind a wall.
The inspector will classify defects as -
Major Defects, which may include structural issues like cracking & movement, deformation, presence of excessive moisture behind walls and under floors, structural timber pest damage, serious safety hazards, Signs of Timber Pests including, Fungal Decay, Wood Borers, Evidence of Infestation of Subterranean Termites with location & extent of activity found.
Minor Defects, which may include the Condition of Non-Structural Elements, like chipped tiles, broken handles and locks etc.
The inspection will also look for conditions conducive to structural damage including: defective plumbing, roof guttering, down pipes and & flashing, defective or bridged damp proof course, poor tradesman-like work, corrosion, lack of sub floor ventilation, trees & shrubs, additions & improvements and incomplete construction, poorly installed or lack of insulation, and classify these accordingly.
The Report will discuss if relevant, conditions conducive to timber pest attack including inadequate subfloor ventilation, untreated or non-durable timber used in a hazardous environment, bridging or breaching of the termite barrier and/or “insufficient slab edge exposure”, evidence of existing Termite Management Programs and Advice on Termite Prevention & Management
The Inspector must comply with workplace health and safety regulations and will not enter or inspect an unsafe area.
The inspector is limited when inspecting the roof cavity by the dimensions of the manhole and cavity and will only enter this area if safe to do so. The access hole must be minimum 400 x 500mm and the crawl space minimum 600 x 600mm. There are also other factors that might limit an inspector’s access to this area. The inspector is also limited by the height of the roof and can visually inspect from only a 3.6m ladder and if safe to do so, the inspector cannot climb onto the roof. Inspection of the sub floor is subject to the inspector’s discretion as to whether access is safe and reasonable.
A professional inspector will not comment on whether the house is a suitable purchase or not but can provide the findings of the inspection and discuss the severity of defects contained in the property. The report will also compare the property to others of similar age and type. From this, the buyer can make an informed decision. The report may give the buyer negotiating power on the contract price. Some buyers will love the property and purchase regardless, others will walk away, but the buyer is the only one who can make that decision.
You will be surprised as to some big issues that have been found on some quite young homes. On completion of the build, it is essential to get a handover inspection to ensure that there are no major issues with the new build. Had this not been done, there could have been a multitude of issues hiding in the construction of the property. Start out in your new home with the confidence that the structure is sound, and you are getting what you pay for.
A combined building and pest inspection on average will take about one-hour, larger house and older homes may take longer depending upon size, structure and condition.
DedAnt use the most advanced equipment for moisture and termite detection. These include thermal imaging cameras and moisture metres. They are not only used in the wet areas but anywhere where evidence of such issues may present. This will show up things like termite infestations or water leaks that are not visually seen or perceptible to the human eye. A borescope may also be used onsite.
Reports will generally be sent within 24 hours. Same day reports can be arranged, please speak to our friendly office staff about your requirements.
Absolutely, the building and pest inspection will identify if there are structural issues in the property and the pest inspection if there are timber pests. Termites can still affect the timber within the house such as flooring, walls, window frames, doors etc.
The Neighbourhood Disputes (Dividing Fences and Trees) Act 2011 (Qld) provides a wide definition of the term ‘dividing fence’ and sets out that neighbouring property owners must contribute equally to the costs of building and maintaining a sufficient dividing fence, unless agreed otherwise.
Retaining Walls, however, serve a different purpose as they are engineered to support built-up or excavated earth, and are therefore not normally a matter of joint responsibility.
However, the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) can include the retaining wall in their orders with fencing issues, when fence repair is dependent upon the work for the retaining wall. So common sense needs to prevail, and neighbours need to work as a team in resolving such disputes as it can be a complex and costly legal issue that could likely split costs anyway.
Dedant cannot provide quotes or estimates for any rectification work, this is outside the scope of the inspection.
Each defect is listed on the report with the relevant trade to contact for more information. This is the trade that should quote for rectification.
The pre-purchase building and pest inspection will give you an overall indication of the condition of the property, however there are other factors outside this report that could be important considerations when making such a big purchase. Factors such as fencing requirements and costs, retaining walls, stairs, landscaping, drainage, flood prone, fall of the land, trees and bush land, suitability for pets, busy roads and noise, easements, neighbourhood, neighbours, proximity to schools, shops, public transport and hospitals and other location factors important to your family and situation. Commercial or Residential Zoning could also be an important factor in your decision making.
Pre-Purchase Swimming Pool Inspection
DedAnt Building and Pest Inspections does not inspect for pool safety certificates. A pool safety certificate certifies that your pool complies with pool safety laws and standards. Whether you are selling, leasing or living in your property, you must have a pool safety inspection conducted by licensed pool safety inspectors in order to get your certificate.
As per QBCC site – You can sell your property with or without a pool safety certificate. However, if you are not providing a certificate, you must give the buyer a Form 36-notice of no pool safety certificate prior to entering a contract of sale and send a completed copy of the form to QBCC ( before settlement.
The buyer must get a pool safety certificate within 90 days of settlement.
See more information from QBCC regarding this here
While we don’t do these type of inspections, we do recommend that you contact a swimming pool builder or technician to inspect your swimming pool. The shell might contain cracks or other defects that could lead to costly repairs.
Pre-Sale Building and Timber Pest Inspection
Using the same thorough Reporting System as per Pre-Purchase Reports, this is a great option for any Seller. The list of Defects may be upsetting on your pre-loved home, but now as a seller, there is the option of repair or simply reflect these issues in the listed price. No need to stress all properties have some minor or major defects, but it is an excellent way to prioritise, fix, and reduce this list, and be transparent, better protecting your listing price. The Inspection will assist in removing surprises, the Report can be a positive selling tool when putting the property to market, avoiding sale collapse, or considerable price adjusting.
Reports can also be adjusted after rectification and re-inspection. A small fee will apply for re inspection.
With the permission of the Report Client, the Inspector is more than happy to talk to any potential buyers to answer any questions they have The Inspector details are listed on each Report.
New Build Practical Completion / Handover Inspection
Don’t get caught out with a defective new build. Get an independent building inspector to undertake a handover inspection. A handover inspection (also known as a practical completion inspection) is the final stage in a new home build. While not mandatory, it is common to have a Handover Inspection, and it is scheduled before final payment is made at Practical Completion. The purpose of the inspection is to identify any building defects, use of incorrect materials, omissions, areas not completed properly, poor workmanship and other imperfections. The report will outline the issues that need to be resolved to bring the house up to a reasonable standard. Our experienced inspectors will inspect the exterior, interior and site of the works and provide you with an objective and detailed report. A Pest Inspection will also be done, particularly looking at the structural build and how it could be compromising the termite management system that is mandatory for all new house. Installed physical termite barriers can also be damaged during construction, so this is important to note.
Any defects noted in the report can be addressed with the builder to be rectified prior to settlement.
Finally, a Warranty Inspection 12 months later gives you the last chance to have non-structural omissions or decorative defects corrected under your Home Insurance Warranty. (These might be things like cracking caused by shrinkage in the building process etc). Then there is further warranty against major structural defects, this warranty applies for 6-7 years depending upon your state legislation and regulation.

Termite Treatment and Management FAQ's
Under Australian Standards, the minimum requirement is every 12 months. We strongly recommend following this advice, just like renewing your insurance policy. If you’re in a higher risk area and a barrier is not yet installed, more regular inspections might be recommended to help safeguard your home until a termite treatment system is installed. At Dedant Building and Pest we will complete your annual termite inspection and issue you with a report detailing our findings. We will then follow up in 12 months’ time with a reminder that you are due again.
An Annual Termite Inspection is one of the best forms of insurance you can put in place to protect your home and “prevention is always better than cure” especially when we are talking Queensland and its many varieties of Termites.
Queensland is well known to have a great climate and ecology for high termite activity and the termites can go undetected for many months before they are discovered. Termites
Homes owners might be unaware that their home insurance policy does not cover the property for damage caused by termites as seen as a preventable event and the responsibility of the homeowner. It is therefore important to detect termites early (commonly known as white ants) to significantly reduce repair costs and the spread of these pests, and safety of the home structure. Left untreated, it is not uncommon for roof trusses and base and top plates to be eaten through, and walls held together by only plasterboard.
If termite activity or termite damage is found, your Inspector will provide you with the details about this on the Report and recommend Treatment options. Your inspector might recommend an invasive inspection to gather more information. Treatments may include spot treating the live termites and the installation of a Termite Management System. Your Inspector may also provide recommendations on further investigations and repairs that may be necessary. We would first recommend that the existing termites be treated asap. The good news is that termites or white ants can be stopped. A termite spot inspection is the first step.
If you’re concerned about termites, contact DedAnt Building and Pest Inspections for free advice.
Firstly, it is important to understand the difference between a Termite Inspection and a Termite Check. Typically, a Check does not follow Australian Standards and Timber Pest Management best practices. A termite check is merely a visual check of the surrounding areas of the home.
A termite inspection is a comprehensive inspection of the property, yard and the home building structure with all findings detailed in a comprehensive report.
Your Timber Pest Technician will inspect the home structure in detail using the latest technology to detect any termite activity or damage.
There are several actions that homeowners can take to prevent these pests from establishing themselves. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
Trim shrubs and bushes close to the walls of the building.
Check any tree stumps on the property.
Remove any wood pieces that may be lying around the yard area.
Inspect any leaking water against the building, including air-conditioner overflow pipes and leaky pipes.
Inspect structures attached to the home such as pergolas.
Check weepholes are above the ground level and not covered by gardens.
Inspect timber fences surrounding the property.
Australian Standards recommends every home should have a management system in place.
Protecting your home from termites is one of the most important investments you can make.
This can be achieved by installing a barrier which may include a physical barrier, chemical treated zones or a monitored baiting system.
The barriers need to be maintained. Annual or bi-annual inspections help to make sure your system is not compromised. Our Technicians will work with you to help protect your home, which includes home and yard maintenance recommendations.
If you’re concerned about termites, contact us today to arrange an inspection and barrier options.
Why Choose Dedant Building and Pest Inspections?
Local knowledge
We are a Brisbane based, family owned company that has been operating since 2008. Servicing Brisbane, Ipswich, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and everywhere in between. We have local knowledge, friendly customer service staff and experienced inspectors. Therefore, you are in good hands with Dedant.
Wide Range of Services
Providing a range of services for home buyers, home sellers, landlords and home owners. Dedant’s friendly staff can assist with your building and pest inspections, maintenance inspections, landlord condition inspections, termite inspections, invasive inspections or termite treatments. See our full range of services here
Latest Technology
Our inspectors use the latest technology during every inspection. This includes a moisture meter, thermal imaging camera and movement sensors such as Termatrac. Unquestionably all of our inspectors are professional, highly experienced, licensed and insured.
We make booking easy
Bookings are made easy, we work with the Real Estate Agent to avoid any confusion and concerns. We can also organise other inspections for you at the same time, such as swimming pool inspections, asbestos testing and meth testing. Blueridge Consultants trading as Dedant Building and Pest inspections is licensed with QBCC.
We are committed to providing outstanding service at a fair price.
For rapid service and reports, contact DedAnt Building and Pest Inspections today.
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